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Profit vs. Loss

Profit vs. Loss

I just finished reviewing the profit/loss statements for my practice this year, breaking down employees and activities by their overall cost vs. profitability. It is a pretty cut and dry process of figuring out how much it costs to have someone come to work vs. the revenues they generate. As the Lord’s prophet to the Nephite people, King Benjamin went through a similar process of weighing the value of his people to the Lord. He laid out the cold, hard…

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Lee’s Ferry

Lee’s Ferry

Lee’s Ferry Rainbow I resolved earlier this year that I would fish more in 2012. This weekend was my first day on the water this year–and what a day it was. Lee’s Ferry was first established in 1871 by John D. Lee, a Mormon settler commissioned by the Church to provide a crossing for the Colorado River. It is a 15 mile stretch of the Colorado below Glen Canyon Dam and is renowned as a wild trout fishery. It hasn’t…

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in·du·bi·ta·ble  adj (ˌ)in-ˈdü-bə-tə-bəl, –ˈdyü- Definition of INDUBITABLE : too evident to be doubted : unquestionable — in·du·bi·ta·bil·i·ty noun — in·du·bi·ta·ble·ness noun — in·du·bi·ta·bly adverb