About Me

I am blessed with a wonderful wife and three great kids. I practice endocrinology and (believe it or not) still love it. I count it miraculous that my eclectic interests (travel, museums, history, Imperial Roman coinage of the Flavian Dynasty, fly fishing and cycling) are actually shared by at least one member of my family. I see the world through the eyes of a disciple of Jesus Christ and a loyal member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Writing is therapeutic for me, and helps me find perspective. So this is mostly for me. As I do, hopefully I’ll be able to follow the advice of Benjamin Franklin.
“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”
What about the name Glubose? He was the demon assigned to ‘the old lady’ in The Screwtape Letters, by C. S. Lewis. It’s a favorite. Ironically, it is also the name of a cheap Indian knockoff of a diabetes drug (it’s main side-effects include bloating, diarrhea and excessive flatulence). I can’t think of a better avatar name for someone in my line of work.